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Robert Henry Mathews(1877–1970) was an AustralianmissionaryandSinologist, best known for his 1931A Chinese-English Dictionary: Compiled for the China Inland Mission by R. H. Mathews, which was subsequently revised byHarvard University Pressin 1943.[1]...
Frederick William Baller (21 November 1852 – 12 August 1922) was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China, Chinese linguist, translator, educator and sinologist.Following his conversion to Christianity at age 17, Baller was one of the first students of the Missionary Institute estab...
Ji Shuangjun (left) and Ji Zimei in front of their workshop in Lutian village, Longquan city, Zhejiang province.WENG XINYANG/XINHUAJi Shuangjun and Ji Zimei, met in high school where they had a shared interest in ceramics. After graduating from the Jiangxi Arts and Ceramics Technology Institute in J...
Qian Lihuai's bamboo weaving Inception.CHINA DAILYQian Lihuai and Joint Lab twist tradition to craft concoctions that delight visitors and institutions alike, Li Yingxue reports.In the China Pavilion at the sixth China International Import Expo in Shanghai, a piece of bamboo art resembling a Tai...
Lacquer coated tea sets are displayed at Hao Guanxiong's studio in Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, Feb. 28. 2024. Chu-style lacquer coating craft took shape during the Spring and Autumn Period (770 B.C.-476 B.C.) and the Warring States Period (475 B.C.-221 B.C.). Over the past thou...
A visitor examines ancestors' portraits of Li Wenzhong's family at the Legacy From the Prince of Qiyang, a long-term exhibition at the National Museum of China that traces the ups and downs of the Li family from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). JIANG DONG/CHINA DAILYA national museum is staging...