Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuary

【Nature】Time:2024-06-06      Views:42

WWF mascot “Giant Panda” was one of the most endangered species in the world. These giant panda were almost extinct Ed due to lost of natural habitats and difficulties in natural wild breeding. Mother Giant Pandas are notoriously difficult to conceive and not able to take care of multiple babies at any one time. Luckily, Sichuan Giant Panda sanctuary is doing an excellent in preserving this endangered cute animal from being wipe out from the earth. Today, their numbers in captivity can be counted in thousands and in wide their numbers are also increasing. Sichuan Giant Panda sanctuary is located at southwest of Sichuan province and is home to more than 30% of Giant Panda Population. It is listed as UNESCO world Heritage site. It is so fun to visit this sanctuary few years back , I purposely flew to Sichuan with the main aim to visit this sanctuary. What a privilege to be able to see so many Giant Panda in one site and knowing that they are doing a great job in preserving one of the most beautiful and valuable animals in our world. Cheers to you guys at the sanctuary for doing a great job.
