
Huxi Bridge

Fantastic China  | 2024-05-20 | Views:64

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The Huxi Bridge is the smallest of the three covered bridges by the Fuhu Temple. It is a timber beam bridge consisting of two spans and one pier. It has a “chuandou” structure, with wooden railings on both sides. It supports pavilions on either end with four cornices and upturned eaves and is covered with grey tiles.

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The temple and its three bridges are closely related to tiger because of a folktale in the Ming Dynasty. It is said that in 1133, tigers posed a threat to local people. In order to solve this problem, a monk named Shixing erected a Zunsheng Zhuang ---- a stone pillar with Buddhist scriptures engraved on it. He placed it beside the river in front of the Amitabha Buddha Hall, resulting in the cessation of attacks by tigers.


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Wu Weiping (Instagram @wp_bridges_hunter)


Wu Weiping, co-photographer of Fantastic China: 

20 years, 400,000+ kilometers, 100,000 photos...  for capturing the remnants of ancient Chinese Covered Bridges.
