
Hey the World: Singing from Your Heart

【Hey The World】 Time:2022-12-15      Source:the Central Committee of the C      Views:256

Shaun Gibson, a British musician, shared his story about music and Chinese culture. He first came into contact with Chinese culture when studying music at the University of Liverpool. He was surprised to find that Chinese songs talk about common things like love and heartache but in a very poetic way that full of metaphors and connotations. Attracted by Chinese culture, he embarked on a trip to China, which blew his mind open and inspired his music composition. 

Shaun created a unique style of music that brings together the melodies of the east and the rhythms of the West and fused together the traditional with the modern, electronic sounds with natural sounds, English with Mandarin. He hopes his music and videos can share elements of Chinese culture with the world and be seen as an example of how people from different cultures can learn from each other and celebrate their differences. Though suffering from retinitis pigmentosa, an eye disease that cause a gradual loss of vision, he never stops his love for music and continue to use his gift to spread joy and understanding with the world.
